EVREEDAE [pronounced everyday /ˈevrēˌdā/]

It all started in the summer of 2019 when some really big life moments took place. Once the dust had settled, we realized we needed to make a change in how we approached our days. We didn’t want to go back to life as normal - consumed by work and always too busy - powering through without reflection or a sense of direction. We needed reminders that could interrupt our days and reconnect us with the impact of our experiences. That thought led to the creation of EVREEDAE.

EVREEDAE is a way of approaching life. It’s about making time each day to slow down, appreciate, and be more present. Our products are reminders. They are designed as tools to interrupt your busy days, shift your mindset, and help you reconnect with what really matters.

We are a collection of memories, experiences, and relationships - and the more often we think about those things, the more we can reflect on who we are, who we’re becoming, and where we’re going.

So go ahead and take a moment, evreedae.

Proudly owned and operated on Vancouver Island by husband and wife duo, Caleb + Kristina.